Town of Sharon Planning Board

Amended and Approved 4/25/07



Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser – Chair

Amanda Sloan – Clerk

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Andy Schwartz




Susan Price

Laura Nelson

Tom Houston

John Twohig

Marty Spagat

Bob Daylor

John Kusmiersky

Bob Vanasso

Anne Bingham

Greg O’Brien


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:35pm by Chair Eli Hauser


Meeting Discussion

Chair’s Report


Meeting Minutes


Form A’s and Bonds

Mr. O’Cain presented a Form A Plan for Eisenhower Drive regarding the subdivision of interior lots 7A and 8A into lots 7B and 8B to accommodate title 5 state sanitary codes. Mr. Cohen moved to approve the plan for Eisenhower Drive LLC dated 4/6/07 as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor. Peter O’Cain also discussed a waiver requested by the developer which Ms. Sloan read into the record. Mr. Cohen moved to grant the waiver with respect to Eisenhower subdivision sidewalks as set forth in the written memo dated 4/4/07 by the Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor


Mr. O’Cain presented a bond reduction request for Pine Grove Estates. Mr. Cohen moved to approve the redemption of the bond pursuant to the revised bond recommendation for Pine Grove Estates from $6,750 to $3,000. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Meeting Discussion

Mr. Hauser announced that he would not be present at the 4/25 meeting but that Mr. Cohen would chair. With reference to the public hearing on 5/2, Mr. Hauser will set the agenda and any discussion by the Board will occur after the public hearing is closed.


Brickstone Presentation

Mr. Hauser reviewed the memo from Tom Houston dated March 26, 2007 regarding an informal meeting held at Mr. Houston’s office to review issues and concerns relating to the preparation of the Brickstone zoning amendment. A brief discussion ensued. Mr. Lauenstein said he was concerned with the taking of Sharon well water to a remote part of town and leaching it to the ground away from the aquifers it originated from. He stated this would represent a drain on the water system. Mr. O’Cain stated that according to Eric Hooper, Sharon is 5-10 years away from MWRA water use and he would ask Mr. Hooper to attend the 5/2 meeting to discuss projected water use. Mr. O’Cain also stated that it would be beneficial to the town water supply if a high density pressure service district was created.


Brickstone Properties provided a PowerPoint presentation to the Board regarding its proposal for Sharon Hills. The presentation included an introduction by John Kusmiersky and Marty Spagat. They provided an overview of the development program, site design, land use, transportation, wastewater, green design, affordable housing and fiscal and community benefits.


Mr. Schwartz asked about deliveries of goods to the development and Brickstone indicated that deliveries would be made in small trucks and vans and should have a minor impact to off peak traffic. Ms. Sloan suggested a more in-depth look for the deliveries of medical supplies and food with regard to impact and Brickstone said that deliveries times could be restricted.


Ms. Sloan iterated her concern with the height of the towers topping Rattlesnake Hill. She stated is would be a big change to see the towers when looking out of the window and requested a visual representation so people would understand. Mr. Cohen asked if it were true that the buildings would not be visible from the site and Brickstone replied yes. He also asked if there would be parking for the 250 donated acres. Brickstone responded that it would be up to the town.


The topic of blasting was raised and John Twohig, Brickstone’s Attorney replied that the industry is regulated; the blasts are controlled and they take out a bond. Mr. Twohig also stated that the risk was minimal. Brickstone agreed to have engineers go to the surrounding houses both pre and post blasting to inspect the homes and water supplies.


Mr. Cohen raised the question as to why it was important from their standpoint that this be heard at the May Town Meeting rather than waiting for the fall. John Twohig replied that they have been in the community for a year, held 6 public sessions, spent time educating people and this is part of the process. If the zoning is passed, they will file and begin the state zoning process. They will need 9-12 months for design and permitting issues.


Mr. Cohen questioned how the $252 million dollar value of the project was determined. Mr. Kusmiersly replied that the assessment was made on a cost basis. Mr. Lauenstein questioned how the affordable housing component was calculated and Mr. Kusmiersky replied it was based on discussion with the town’s people to provide 36 units at the Simpson site and 33 units to be built on town land. One million dollars would be provided to Sharon partnership to create the 33 units elsewhere in town.


Mr. Hauser discussed the current height limit in Sharon and asked Mr. Houston if this would set a precedent. Mr. Houston replied that 115 feet is the maximum height however the elevator penthouse may be above the building. He said it is fair to say that the buildings are not obtrusive and it does not set a precedent for other areas. This overlay district is specific.


Mr. Hauser asked Brickstone what the alternative plan would be if they did not build this project and they replied 88 homes and nothing would be given to the Town. They would build a conventional subdivision with 3 access roads on Mountain Street.


Brickstone indicated that 25% of the apartments will be 2 bedrooms and 75% will be one bedroom for a total of 780 bedrooms not including the dens.


Anne Bingham stated that it has only been two weeks since the bylaw and agreement had been developed. These documents are significant and she feels it is not fair to minimize the changes being sought. She feels it is misleading to discuss an 88 home subdivision because if it could have been done it would have been done.


Susan Price of 1 Plympton Road asked about the timing of the buildings and Mr. Kusmiersky stated they would start with three building and the amenities buildings would be built after. The nursing home would be built in phase 2. The units have not been designed to determine the number of bathrooms.


Laura Nelson of 236 Edgehill Road asked if the nursing home is age restricted and Brickstone replied yes. Brickstone said medical wastes would be “tight tanked” as required by law. She also questioned the height that the fire trucks could reach. Mr. Hauser stated this was up to Chief Mann to decide.


Mr. Schwartz asked if trucks or other vehicles would be serviced on the property and Brickstone replied they would not.



The Board discussed the calendar through May. It was agreed that the next Planning Board meeting will be on April 25th. The public hearing on the Brickstone proposal is scheduled for May 2nd. The May meeting will be May 16th.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn meeting at 11:05 pm; Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion; passed unanimously, 5-0-0.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

Administrative Assistant